DMCA Policy

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy

At EmoijLibrary.Com, we respect the intellectual property rights of others and comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). If you believe that any content on our website infringes your copyright, please follow the steps below to file a takedown notice.

1. Filing a DMCA Notice

If you are a copyright owner or an agent authorized to act on behalf of one, and you believe that any content on EmoijLibrary.Com infringes your copyright, you may submit a DMCA Notice to us. Your notice must include the following information:

  1. Your Contact Information:
    • Your name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address.
  2. Description of the Copyrighted Work:
    • A detailed description of the copyrighted work you believe has been infringed.
  3. URL of the Infringing Content:
    • The exact URL(s) of the content on EmoijLibrary.Com that you claim is infringing.
  4. Statement of Good Faith:
    • A statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the content is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  5. Statement of Accuracy:
    • A statement that the information in your notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
  6. Your Physical or Electronic Signature:
    • Your signature or the signature of the person authorized to act on your behalf.

2. How to Submit a DMCA Notice

You can send your DMCA Notice to us using the following contact details:

3. Counter-Notice

If you believe that content you posted on EmoijLibrary.Com was removed in error, you may file a counter-notice. Your counter-notice must include the following:

  1. Your name, address, and telephone number.
  2. A description of the content that was removed and its URL.
  3. A statement under penalty of perjury that you believe the content was removed in error.
  4. A statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the court in your residence and agree to accept service of process from the party who submitted the original DMCA Notice.
  5. Your physical or electronic signature.

Please send counter-notices to the same contact details listed above.

4. Repeat Infringers

Users who repeatedly infringe on copyright may have their access to EmoijLibrary.Com terminated.

5. Important Notes

  • Any false or misleading information provided in a DMCA Notice or counter-notice may result in legal liability.
  • EmoijLibrary.Com reserves the right to remove any content from the website without prior notice if it is found to infringe copyright or violate our Terms of Use.
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